Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Acne?

Seasonality patterns of visits to the dermatologist find that there are higher rates of acne in the winter and spring, and lower rates of acne in the summer.


These preliminary findings seem to suggest that sunshine may be able to reduce acne.


But is it the wavelengths of light (non-harmful wavelengths like blue and red light therapy also clear acne) and its effects on the skin that clears the acne, or could it also be, in part, due to vitamin D?        


Reasons Why Vitamin D Deficiency is a Potential Cause of Acne


There are a lot of reasons that vitamin D is important for our health, and our skin, and there is evidence that people with certain skin conditions may have lower levels of vitamin D.


Such is the case with eczema patients.


Vitamin D is primarily acknowledged as important for bone formation.


However, it’s also important for proper functioning of nearly every tissue in our bodies, including the brain, heart, muscles, immune system, and yes, our skin.


Thus, its deficiency has been incriminated in the progression of various diseases, including acne.


Proof That Vitamin D Fights Acne?


This study is the best proof there is right now that vitamin D deficiency causes acne.


The study concluded that all 43 people with acne had much lower vitamin D levels than those without acne.


However there's not too much more evidence suggesting that vitamin D deficiency “causes” acne.


There should be more in the near future, but that's not going to solve anything now for you.


How the Sun Affects Your Skin?


Exposing our skin to the sun seems to only serve as a way to dry out our skin (not to mention damage and age it), which we now know is not an effective solution to acne.


At this time, it remains speculative whether vitamin D deficiency actually contributes to acne, or merely represents a consequential event to the inflammatory processes involved.


Per a recent systematic review, vitamin D deficiency appears to be a marker of ill health, and not necessarily an actual cause or an association.


Based on currently available data, supplemental vitamin D should be the preferred recommendation toward achieving normal serum levels.


If supplemental vitamin D for those who are deficient does not clear your acne, then roasting under the sun and damaging your skin will not be the solution, either.


My Conclusion on Vitamin D?


More research is still needed to unravel the complicated ties between vitamin D deficiency and dermatological diseases.


In the mean time, practice safe sun exposure, and seek out healthier skin alternatives to your acne.
