Food is crucial for acne sufferers (in case you didn’t know). About 5 years ago, I watched a story on the news that said how sugary foods didn't cause acne - and I actually believed it!
For years, I thought the foods I ate didn't affect my acne.
So I'll start by saying how that notion couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, its dead wrong.
So basically, that article made my acne and my life worse than it needed to be - for literally 5 years.
Renowned dermatologist and New York Times best selling author, Dr. Joseph Mercola, explains in this video how “Many mistakenly believe acne is mostly an aesthetic problem, but it is actually a sign of deeper imbalance in your system, often in your gut.
Most physicians miss this connection entirely, instead prescribing acne drugs and other topical treatments, but many will turn out to be useless if you ignore the foundational cause of most acne – improper diet. ”
It didn't used to be like this.
How Diet and Acne are Perceived
Apparently before the 1960s it was common skincare knowledge that years of improper dieting is a major cause of acne – There also wasn't a McDonalds and processed food restaurant on every corner.
In fact, an article done by dietician and noted acne researcher Jennifer Burris, found that, “During the late 1800s and early 1900s, diet was commonly used as an adjunct treatment for acne.
During the 1960s, however, the diet–acne connection fell out of favor.
In recent years, dermatologists and registered dietitians have revisited the idea and become increasingly interested in the role of medical nutrition therapy in acne treatment.”
Not to mention that the American Academy of Dermatology has published multiple articles saying how acne and diet are related. Here is just one article, but it’s not the only one.
It doesn't matter though what people say. All that matters is which foods are the most effective for clearing acne keeping it gone?
For the rest of this post, I'm going to tell you exactly what the best foods for clear skin are, and the worst.
I'm also going to tell you why its alright to eat sugary foods, as long as you follow my guidelines.
Then I'm going to show you how get rid of your acne forever in about 4-8 days, but you'll be almost cleared by day 4, and you'll be able to tell a difference within hours.
I know that sounds too good to be true, but it's true - unless you have very severe acne (over 50 pimples), and in that case you’ll need something like Accutane - I'm sure you don't though.
Those cases are rarely seen by dermatologists, that's how uncommon they are.
Anyway, let's get started.
Here are the 5 Best Foods for Clear Skin:
1. Vegetables
2. Any Type of Fruit
Orange and green vegetables are the best two (carrots and ranch are a great start).
Cantaloupe is arguably the best for clearing skin.
3. White Meat
4. Starch Foods
Potatoes and rice.
5. Water
Your blood is generally made of water, and so is the rest of your body. The more water you drink the better.
The Worst Foods for Acne
1. Fast Food
Don’t even get me started. Avoid fast food at all costs.
2. Gluten
I know gluten is hard because it’s in every type of bread, but try your best to avoid it if possible.
Put it this way, if you don't notice a change then you can always go back to eating it like you are now.
3. Candy/ Sugary Foods:
You don't need to know the full science here, but just know that any food with sugar usually contains a lot of other bad things like high-fructose corn syrup.
It can cause more acne or worse breakouts.
Any food I didn't mention is just in between – meaning it's not good, but not bad for your acne.
How Does Your Body Obtain Nutrients to Protect your Skin?

How Does Your Body Obtain Nutrients to Protect your Skin?
Food is the main way your body obtains its nutrients. You do produce your own compounds in some cases, but you need nutrients from food for them to operate successfully.
The human body is like a super computer.
Without you realizing, it performs millions of different tasks every minute so that you can be alive.
One of these tasks is defending your skin cells from the billions of bacteria surrounding them. And to do this, they require a normal level of compounds and nutrients.
If you don't provide them with enough of these nutrients, then the bacteria are going to attack and destroy your weakened skin cells.
When this happens, your brain tells your sebaceous glands to start producing extra sebum (because sebum traps the bacteria cells, and protects your skin cells).
The sebum is eventually pushed out through your pores – which is what you know as ‘acne’- pimples, pustules, nodules, papules, whiteheads and blackheads.
Give your body the fuel it needs to protect itself and you won't be a victim of acne – I know it’s much easier said than done.
There is Still a Problem Though
The problem is that some of you (including myself) have ignored your diets for far too many years.
And so, it usually takes a few months of healthy dieting to strengthen your immune system - especially to the point where it’s strong enough to defend against a bacterial infection like acne.
In other words, results don’t come quickly.
That’s why I personally use an oral antioxidant treatment.
In my 9 years of suffering it was the only thing that got rid of my acne and kept it gone.
How Well Do These Treatments Work?
If you are suffering or constantly battling acne, breakouts, or pimples on a daily basis then you need something much stronger than just a healthy diet.
And also something much stronger than face washing.
Only a few companies make these kinds of treatments. The most popular are Murad and Derma.
I've had my success with Derma Drinkables, but I'm sure the others work well too (I like Derma because it's the strongest in terms of ingredients).
I've been taking them for the past 8 months on a weekly basis (usually about 3 days of the week). But I saw a legitimate difference within a couple of hours.
Let me be clear – I am not telling you go and order one of these treatments, because you might only have one or two whiteheads every once in a while, (and so you might not need them) – but I am saying that an oral antioxidant treatment would easily be strong enough to clear a real case of acne, or reoccurring breakouts from anyone’s face - in about 1 week, 2 tops.
Anyway, let’s get back to sugary foods now.
How to Eat Sugary Foods with Acne
As I said before, your body requires a certain level of nutrients to defend itself against an infection like acne.
Here's my point: You can eat sugary/ processed foods in sensible amounts, if you provide your body with enough nutrients in general - whether it be from foods, an oral antioxidant treatment, or both.
If your nutrient levels are high, then your immune system is strong.
That means eating sugary food won’t do you much harm.
The only thing that will do harm is if you stop supplying your body with the right amounts of nutrients.
My Best Advice For Acne and Food
Always eat a small meal before eating any sugary or processed foods.
If you have nothing in your stomach and begin eating something unhealthy, your body will absorb it completely (it will only have a negative effect, and it doesn't give you any nutrients).
When you eat something healthy first, the unhealthy food isn’t nearly as potent because your body is being affected positively by the healthy food.
In other words, the healthy food cancels out the unhealthy, more than the other way around.
In Conclusion
Lets review.
Lesson #1
Diet and acne are strongly related.
Lesson #2
Although proper dieting is necessary, it will take a few months to notice a real difference – that's why I use an oral antioxidant treatment.
Lesson #3
You can still eat sugary foods if you have a healthy meal first, and keep a healthy diet in general (cut down gluten and processed foods).
Remember that your body needs fuel to defend itself, just as anything else.
With the proper tools, you'll be impressed to see how quickly your body heals itself.
Do you have any healthy tips or tasty recipes that include some of the foods mentioned above?