How I Cleared My Subclinical Acne in 13 Days

Subclinical acne is a stubborn type from my experience.


It appears in small and skin-colored bumps, almost always on the forehead, chin, or mouth area.


The worst part is that it's usually mixed in with moderate acne on the forehead, so even dermatologist can misdiagnose it (happened to me). 


But the good news is that I’m somehow the only person on the entire internet who knows how to clear it.


I know that sounds a bit confident – but its nothing short of the truth.


Part of me wishes I wasn’t the only person who knew this, because then it wouldn’t have taken me so long to clear it.




Where My Subclinical Acne Began


It started right after I finally had cleared my acne.


I had always had these little skin colored bumps on my forehead.


But I always thought they were regular pimples honestly.


I always had at least 6-10 dark red pimples on my face, but these bumps were much smaller.


And there were tons of them.


Like too many to count.


How I Cleared My Other Acne


I finally ended up clearing my acne with an oral antioxidant treatment (Derma).


Here's a link to their research page.


A few days after I had relatively no more ‘real’ pimples, I realized that the little bumps hadn’t changed much at all.


My subclinical had gotten smaller, but it was still there.


But like always, I prevailed, and I finally cleared the little bumps too.


In fact, you should take a deep breath and relax.


Because today is the day that you’re finally going to learn how to get rid of your subclinical acne, and quickly.


It’ll take about 2 weeks to be completely gone for the most part. 


But you’ll see a difference within 24 hours easily.


Each day you’ll notice it fade about 10-15% easily – and sometimes much more.


Alright lets begin,


The issue with subclinical acne is that it may not be everything it looks to be.


Listen very closely to this next part, because the details are important.


What is Subclinical Acne?


Here’s the bottom line – there’s actually no such thing as subclinical acne.


You might think that the word subclinical means underneath the skin, but it doesn’t.


Medically, there is no such thing as subclinical acne.


It's only something a term acne sufferers have made up ourselves.


So What's Actually on Your Skin?


Well its not acne.


Its something called follicultis.


It’s actually a yeast infection – and it has a few causes.


It can also be known as milia sometimes.


It’s almost always mistaken for acne though, there’s even a study that was done to confirm that.


But once you stop what’s causing it, you will instantly see it start to fade.


And if you know how to counteract the cause, then you clear it even quicker.


What Causes Subclinical Acne?


These are the 3 main causes in order:


Too Much Heat


This is the most common cause. If you tend to sweat often and it’s usually on your forehead, then this is probably your cause


Even if it's just from exercising or living in a humid environment. 


Light Bread Allergy


Folliculitis is a YEAST, or fungal infection. Most people eat bread everyday, and it only makes it the bumps worse.


​Pet Dander


If you have a dog or cat, you may have gotten the infection from them. It’s more common than you think.


You should know which of these is causing it for you.


Here’s How to Clear it For Each of The Causes


Solution for Heat 


EVERYTIME you sweat, even if it’s just a hot flash, you MUST rub an ice cube around your forehead or wherever the bumps are.


Gently rub an ice cube on your skin for about 10 seconds, then pat dry with a clean paper towel or towel.


Yeast Solution 


If your face feels dry after doing this, then rub a small amount of oil-free or non-comedogenic moisturizer on your skinBread – This one sucks I know.


But if you want these little bumps to go away, you’re going to have to stop eating bread for a while, or cut down heavily on your break intake.


Advice for Pets


This one is a little bit harder because you obviously can’t avoid your pets.


Just make sure you wash your hands EVERYTIME you’re done petting them.


Otherwise you’ll transfer the bacteria to your face eventually.


What If You Still Have Forehead Acne Though?


Like I said before, it's also common for big red pimples to be mixed in with your folliculitis. 


It's the main reason that so many dermatologists mistaken it for acne, and prescribe acne treatments - which end up making it worse. 


It happened to me, so I know for a fact that it's not unheard of.


If you have the same thing, then you can read this post about clearing acne on your forehead.


The post suggests the same treatment I used, and it has some other solid pieces of advice.




That’s about everything you need to know about these stubborn little things.


If you follow my advice then you’ll see a difference immediately, so I wouldn’t waste any time.


I do want to add one last thing – if these bumps are covering your whole face (very severely) then you’re going to need something like Accutane  – but that type of case is rarely seen (especially with this condition).


So you don’t have to worry, just relax and get ready to see some improvement today.
