Why is My Face So Oily? How Do I Fix It?


Why do I say this?


Because I've done it myself not too long ago.




I realized a little while later that I could have fixed it years earlier.


That still frustrates me to be honest.


But before I share my secret with you, I'm going to tell you the exact reasons why you have an oily face.


You could skip to the answers if you want, but stopping the cause is just as important as healing it.


So let’s begin by taking a look at some of them,


Why is an Excessively Oily Face Bad?


Too much is always bad, no matter what it is.


The reason why a lot of oil production is bad for your skin is because too much oil clogs your pores.


When your pores are unable to breathe and excrete, the bacteria and other contaminants become accumulated beneath your skin’s layer.


Now that the bacteria are trapped, they grow, resulting in acne.


Sometimes it can even result into monsters like hormonal and cystic acne.


If you're already dealing with cystic, then I highly suggest reading this post (especially if it's around your chin).


But now I'll get down to the main problem, 


Why is My Face So Oily?


An oily face is caused by an overproduction of sebum. Your body increases oil production while defending itself against infection.


That's why oily skin is commonly a sign of a depleted immune function.


According to recent studies, immune health is dependent on outward environmental pressures like heavy mental stress and years without a nutrient-rich diet. 


The larger your pores, the more acne prone you'll be.


There are a few possible reasons why your face is so oily.


I've listed them below (not in any specific order).


1. Vitamin Deficiency



This is one of the most common causes in my opinion. 


There are plenty of studies proving this to be true, just look them up on Google. 

If you want to read more about oil production and deficiencies, then I suggest reading this article or another similar one. 



2. Tanning


Okay, I know what you’re thinking.


You are already aware that over-exposure to UV rays results in the threat of skin cancer.


(Sorry I had to mention it)


But what you might not know is that staying outdoors, particularly during sunny days, can provoke excessive oil production in your skin.


Here is a full post on tanning in regards to acne:


Why Does This Happen?


Okay, sunlight might dry your skin for the moment.


But it also damages the sensitive skin cells which causes sun burn.


Now, your body is aware of that.


As a recipient to this skin damage, the sebaceous glands in your body are triggered.


These glands produce excessive oil in order to hydrate and lubricate your skin.


Although this oiliness is supposed reduce the burning sensation, it also results in consistent acne breakouts given the overproduction.


3. Stress Causes Oil

We all get upset sometimes.

But taking too much burden on your shoulders, mentally, physically and emotionally can take a toll on your health.

High levels of any sorts of stress impacts your nervous system.


As a result, your neurotransmitter discharge hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that causes a chemical imbalance in your body.


This automatically provokes excessive oil production in your body, making your face look so oily.


4. Hormones Can Affect Oil Production

When your body is going through a physical transition, it experiences certain hormonal changes.


This results in an imbalance.


For example, teenagers who experience puberty have oilier faces.


Even when a woman is going through pregnancy or her menstruation cycle, she is likely to experience some hormonal changes.


This results in hormonal changes that trigger superfluous oil production.


Here's a complete article on pregnancy and oil production.


5. Drugs

Prescription drugs sometimes have certain side effects.


One of the side effects, let’s say, for birth control pills is too much oil production in your body.


This can make your face so oily you might have to wipe it over and over again.


Note: Consult a doctor and make sure you only use these medications when you need to.


With that being said, we come onto your next concern.


What are some of the signs that might indicate that you have an oily skin?


Let’s find out.


How to tell if you have oily skin?


Some of the signs that point toward an oily skin are below:

Acne and Breakouts

This is one of the top, most noticeable sign that indicates towards an overly oily skin.


Basically, when there is an overproduction of sebum or oil in your body, your pores become clogged.


This is because the oil settles on your pores and blocks them.


As a result of clogged pores and lack of oxygen to your skin, bacteria settle under your skin layers.


Since there is no way out, it accumulates and results in sebum production - which eventually comes out through your pores

6. Large Pores in Your T-Zone

Your T-Zone is the nose, forehead and chin area on your face.


According to a dermatology study, the expanded pores in this zone are a product of excessively oily skin.


So if you notice large pores in your T-Zone, it is a sign that your face is oilier.


Note: gentle exfoliation can be quite useful in preventing enlarged pores.

What Are The Signs of Oily Skin?


There are a few signs of excessive oil production that are important to eliminate before they turn into something worse or get bigger. 

7. Blackheads

An article published in Medical News Today, revealed that blackheads are a sign of overly oily skin.


Basically, when there is an overproduction of sebum in your body, the oil settles down in the hair follicles of your skin.


When air collides with this sebum, it turns black because of oxidization.

This results in blackheads.


Note: You can use a benzoyl peroxide to breakdown the oil and prevent blackheads.


8. Oily-Faced Afternoons

To be honest, it's pretty easy to tell that you have an oily skin.


How so?


Well, when you go to the bathroom around the afternoon and notice that your skin looks like it has literally been lathered with oil.


That is just extremely obvious and easily noticeable.


Note: Try not wearing any make up or using a moisturizer.


It's best if you just gently clean your face with an anti-bacterial face wash and wipe it off with a soft tissue paper.


So How to Get Rid of an Oily Face?


Now it’s time to get down to the real business.


There are plenty of home remedies for oily skin - as you can see from this extremely long list of home remedies.


But I'm only focusing on the ones that I know actually work.


From my experience, if you want to know how to get rid of oil face issues, then pay close attention to the tips I'm about to list.


Here we go,


1. Wash Your Face

Okay this might sound obvious but this is also one of the most basic things people with oily skin avoid.


“Why is my face so oily?”


You must have wondered.


Well, first of all:


Make sure you wash your face twice a day with COLD WATER - Pat it dry also.


This is because this is exactly the time when bacteria accumulates and begin settling down.


2. Icing

Icing is an excellent way to help your body strengthen itself believe it or not.


But more importantly, it is an excellent way to eliminate bacteria and prevent oil accumulation.


Oil accumulates in your skin when your pores enlarge.


After washing your face, if you gently ice it, you will be tightening the pores.


This is because ice is an excellent compressor and results in the tightening of your skin.


This automatically contracts the pore mouth, resulting in a dryer and less oily skin.


3. Exfoliation

There'a no surprise here.


Exfoliation deeply cleanses your skin and rids it off of any residue bacteria that might result in an acne breakout.


In addition, it cleanses your skin off the excessive oil as well.


But over exfoliation can also be a reason why you might experience excessive oil production in your skin.


Exfoliating too harshly damages your skin as you can see here.


This triggers the sebaceous glands in your body, provoking excessive oil production in order to soothe the damage.


So if you are looking for a treatment for your oily face, start by toning down the pressure on exfoliation and using more gentle products.


4. Honey

You are what you eat.


Or, what you use.


Honey is an excellent treatment for oily skin.


Why do I say this?


Because it works like humectants.


This allows it to keep the skin hydrated, preventing the body from over producing oil.


If you wish to use honey as a treatment for your oily face, all you have to do is spread a table spoon of raw honey on your face and let it sit there for 10 minutes.


Wash your face with cold water afterwards, and you will notice a significant reduction in the skin’s oiliness.


5. Lemons and Egg Mask

To eliminate oil from skin or face, you need anti-bacterial treatments.


According to a research study published in 2008, citric fruits such as lemons boast antibacterial properties.


In addition, we've already discussed that the reason why your skin is so oily could be due to too large pores.


This is where the egg whites come in handy.

Egg whites are known for drying up the skin which results in tightened pores.


Tightened pores block the route for oil to settle under your skin layer.


To enjoy the best of both worlds, you can make up an easy mask at home to treat your oily face.


Simply whisk a tea spoon of lemon juice into one egg white and apply it on your face.


Once the mask dries, wash away with warm water and wipe with tissues.


Once or twice a week should be enough to give you significant results.


Here's a complete list of how to do 3 different egg masks if you'd like to know.


You will begin to see the results as soon as you wash your face.


6. Seasonal Changes

This is perhaps the most basic reason why your face is so oily.


When the seasons shift and rotate, they have an impact on your skin and your health.


Just like you catch a cold in winters, you also experience unnaturally dry skin in the weather.


However, when the weather is warmer, sunnier or even humid for example when it is summers or spring time, you experience an overly oily skin.


A warmer climate compels your body to be more hydrated because of perspiration.


Now if you do not consume adequate amounts of water, your body is likely to become dehydrated.


When your body lacks sufficient water, it automatically triggers an excessive production of oil in your body making your face so oily.


This is your body’s natural way of hydrating your skin.


But it will result in mass oil production, making your face super oily and your skin more prone to breaking out.


Note: Drink plenty of water. At least 8 glasses a day should be enough.

7. Aloe Vera for Oily Skin

Nature brims with natural cures and antidotes.


One of the easiest, simplest and quickest routes to eliminating excessive oiliness in your face is by using Aloe Vera.


According to Mayo Clinic, Aloe Vera is an effective skin tightening agent.


The gel basically blocks the pores and prevents the seepage of oil.


In addition, Aloe Vera is an effective natural treatment for sun burns and allergies.


The reason why your body produces excessive oil is because a lot of the times, sun burns give you a painful sensation.


In order to soothe the dry, burning area, your body overproduces oil.


By using Aloe Vera, you can treat the burn without triggering the overproduction of oil in your body.


Aloe Vera is pretty easy and neat to use.


All you have to do is to slice the plant from the center and keep it open.


Scoop out the gel and place it in a bowl.


Using a fork, mash it a little until it is paste-like.


Not gently massage it on your face and allow it to dry.


Once the Aloe Vera gel has dried, it will tighten up your pores and prevent superfluous oil production which makes your face so oily.


Wash your face with mildly warm water and wipe it clean.


If you feel like your skin has become too dry, use a little bit of moisturizer on your face.


8. Drink Water

This is one of the easiest and most effortless treatments for super oily skin.


The reason why there oil production in your body is in surplus is often because of dehydration.


This triggers your body to release hormones that would oil up the skin to lubricate the dry area.


By drinking sufficient water, you will keep your body and skin hydrated.


In this manner, the oil production will remain under check and your face will not be so oily anymore.


You could watch this video if you want to know the entire rundown.


Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day straight for a week and you will begin to notice significant changes in how comparatively, your skin won’t be so oily anymore.




Think about it this way:


If there is a problem, there has to be a reason(s) for it and if there is a reason, there is always a solution.


Simply follow the guide to recover from an oily face problem.


It might take 2 or 3 weeks to a little bit of trial and error on some of the possible treatments.


Maybe a little process of elimination wouldn't hurt.


Eventually 1 or 2 of them are gonna make a major difference within a few days - so it's only a matter of time before you're oil glands calm down.


For me it was about 2 weeks until I found that icing and proper exfoliation made a huge difference for me.
