How It Works
The ingredients in Derma Drink can be found inside most fruits and vegetables. When concentrated, these antioxidants and minerals hold immense strength in the fight against acne.

Face washes and creams cleanse the skin’s surface. Derma Drink attacks acne from within.

Derma Drink fights the root cause of acne by strengthening the immune system.

Studies have confirmed antioxidants' power against acne. See below for details.
Face washes and creams cleanse the skin’s surface. Derma Drink attacks acne from within.
Derma Drink fights the root cause of acne by strengthening the immune system.
Studies have confirmed antioxidants' power against acne. See below for details.
The Science
Behind Derma Drink

Higher levels of inflammation have been linked to acne, and inflammation has been linked to low levels of antioxidants
This first study shows how acne severity correlates with inflammation level. The researchers compared measures of inflammatory damage between a given amount of acne patients and people without acne. The patients were divided into three different groups; mild, moderate and severe. As you can see, the graph shows a clear correlation between inflammation and acne severity. The study also addresses antioxidant activity in relation to inflammation. This chart represents levels for two crucial antioxidant enzymes; superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Like Vitamin E, these enzymes neutralize free radicals and other inflammatory molecules. The graph on the left suggests that people without acne genetically possess far greater amounts of antioxidants than those that suffer from acne.
Skin samples show that patients with severe acne have much lower antioxidant enzyme readings
Published in November 2012, this next study measures the inflammatory
damage for individual pimples. The researchers took skin samples from
50 acne patients, again divided into mild, moderate and severe
Samples were also taken from 40 people without acne. The patients with
severe acne showed 2 to 4 fold higher levels of inflammatory damage
than people with mild or moderate acne. Similarly, antioxidant enzyme
readings were much lower in people with severe acne.

Antioxidant supplementation can reduce acne by more than 50% by measuring levels of glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and interleukine -8 (IL-8).

Also published in 2012, Study 3 demonstrates how antioxidant supplementation can reduce acne by more than 50% by measuring levels of glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and interleukine -8 (IL-8). Glutathione is an antioxidant enzyme, and malondialdehyde and interleukine -8 are measures of inflammation.
In Study 3's findings, acne patients showed much higher levels
of systemic inflammation. The graph on the right shows a strong
correlation between glutathione levels and acne severity. As
antioxidant levels decrease, breakouts increase.
56 acne patients were divided into 4 groups. 3 groups received
antioxidant supplements, the fourth group received a placebo.
The antioxidants were silymarin, M-Acetylcystein (NAC), or
selenium. All reduced acne lesions by about 50%.

Why Selenium instead of NAC or Silymarin? For decades, selenium has been safely taken by people suffering from arthritis, infertility, and Chrone's disease. It can also be found inside every green vegetable and is highly abundant in fish. Unlike selenium, both NAC and silymarin are known to cause adverse side effects such as nausea, vomiting, flushing, itching, and rashes.

SeSeleniumSelenium is a potent antioxidant found in vegetables to eliminate inflammation caused by acne. Selenium can be found inside fish, vegetables, and nuts. |
AVitamin ADerma Drink uses two types of Vitamin A, which are crucial for the fight against acne: beta carotene and palmitate. Vitamin A is another strong antioxidant found inside orange and red vegetables. |
EVitamin ELike other antioxidants, Vitamin E absorbs free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause inflammation and skin imperfections. |
ZnZincZinc is not an antioxidant, but a crucial mineral for healing acne. Found inside vegetables, nuts and fish, the body uses zinc to make regulatory hormones that keep inflammation from destroying acne-prone skin. |
CuCopperAn excess amount of zinc can cause a minor copper deficiency. For that reason, taking a small amount of copper is important while adding zinc to your diet. It can also be found inside almost every type of seed or nut. |
+OtherOther ingredients include purified water, citric acid, xanthan gum, natural flavors, sucralose, pom sorbate, potassium benzoate (as a preservative). |